Alexander and Wilks Heavy Pattern Solid Brass Cabinet Butt Hinge – 64mm


The Alexander and Wilks Heavy Pattern Solid Brass Cabinet Butt Hinge has a heavy gauge leaf for use on cupboards, cabinets or chests, that is supplied with premium counter sunk wood screws.

This heavy-weight hinge is available in 3 sizes of 50mm, 64mm and 75mm, as well as 8 finishes: Antique Brass, Dark Bronze, Pewter, Polished Brass, Polished Chrome, Polished Nickel, Satin Brass and Satin Chrome. This wide range of finishes means they will be ideal for any cupboards finish.

Sold in PAIRS complete with counter sunk wood screws.

Solid Brass 

Length – 64mm
Width – 35mm
Thickness – 2.2mm
Screw – 3.5mm x 20mm


Additional information


Antique Brass, Dark Bronze, Pewter, Polished Brass, Polished Chrome, Polished Nickel, Satin Brass, Satin Chrome